Ayurveda! The most custom holistic healing journey you will ever embark on.
Soooo this is a strange word and you must be thinking “Here we go” another fad or new trend that WILL not work. I know. I’ve been there. As a person who has tried literally every health fad under the sun and moon I can promise you - this one is different. This is the “study of life” from every angle…taking into account your emotions, your body type, the way your mind works (or doesn’t) and it is deeply rooted in spirituality and connecting with your highest self . For me, I like something that addresses every single aspect of ourselves and HOW we relate to our environment, lifestyle and people.
Lets break it down:
Ayruveda consist of 3 main Doshas (energies) that are determined at birth to make up your constitution.
We all have all 3 types, however most of us have a prominent dosha or 2 prominent doshas. This can change with lifestyle and environment factors and also show up as an imbalance.
Vata (Air & Ether)
I think of Vatas as being just like the wind, light, airy, dry and ever-moving. They are the dreamers, the creatives, the yogis who start a thousand projects at once yet do not finish. Movement is medicine and they regulate the flux of prana (life-force energy) in the body. They are the people who cannot sit still, likely eating their salad or smoothie bowl whilst doing 2 others things then are prone to get gassy and bloated and have a hard time with consistent evacuation. These beautiful souls have big dreams and have the big-picture in mind always, they are the seekers of all things spiritual and are obsessive about their attunement with their higher self.
To balance this airy fairy— Vatas need stabilizing, and constant grounding which comes in the most potent forms of body-based meditation, abyhanga (self-massage with seasame oil), eating cooked root vegetables (coated in sesame oil) and ample time with feet touching mama earth. They need a bit more self-care than most, so please make sure you give you (them) the SPACE to ground down.
Pitta (Fire & Water)
Pittas are the transformative FIRE, hot, transmuting, and sometimes destructive. They are the DOERS, the get-stuff-done while on a rigid schedule passionate individuals! The productive, action-oriented folk who have a linear mind and are RESULTS driven to the nth degree. They are of medium build, more lubed than the dry vata and usually love high-endurance sports like running, base-jumping or extreme skiing. The world is currently dominated by this mindset and it can be prone to leave most of intuition and FLOW in the dust. They want ALL the logic and love left-brain analysis for all pursuits and “proof”. The will power is strong so watch out for control and anger. They have strong digestion and are the stars of assimilation. They run hot, need lots of cooling (think coconuts, raw food, and cold bebidas).
To balance— cooling pranayama, less doing more being, guided meditations (so they can get out of ego) and a cooling lifestyle that involves aquatic activities so they can cool their flame.
Kaphas (Earth & Water):
Kaphas are the grounded, nurturers of the earth and all humankind. These loyal and kind souls love being at home, cuddling in the blankets and being in winter mode! They have a denser build which can make it hard to motivate, however once they are going they have more stamina and power than the other two doshas combined! Do not ever doubt a Kaphas dedication and they often give, give, give till the point of exhaustion. They are excellent at giving love, but not always in the know on how to receive love and take care of themselves so they can give from a place of excess. They often have cold hands and feet, and low pranic energy, yet their radiance and lustor can glow when they are in balance.
To balance this love-bug— it is important to exercise and have a strong routine in which movement and healthy eating are frequent, waking early, eating bitter & astringent foods, and dry brush massage.
Once you can identify with your own unique constitution (doshas) you can start to understand your own unique needs + purpose and it can help you navigate through this human experience with more ease and alignment in every way.
I love that every single aspect of body/mind/spirit are encompassed in this most complex holistic care system. Learning about your dosha is the starting place to a life-long dance with Ayurveda, for it is as complex and as deep as any other study out there. The more you learn the more you realize how much more there is to learn…it REALLY is the study of LIFE so expect it to be like as complex as chemistry but more heart-centered wisdom that resonates with every cell in your body. I am so grateful for the peace and structure it has brought to my life. I am a busy Vata girl who needs all these beautiful teachings to ground me from blasting to the ethers! It brings a deep resonance with your own body/ mind, and nature, as well as accelerates your understanding and relating to people in the most profound way. It is an understanding that cannot be written about..so go try it for yourself. Immerse yourself in the silky elementals of Ayurvedic knowledge and all the other evolving will naturally follow suit.